Manual Encoder/Customer Service Agent

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* Provides customer service and direction to traveling public while accepting passenger baggage
* Scans bag bar codes and manually encodes bags by scanning Oregon keying Indiana destination information
* Collects and distributes tubs for usage Indiana proper baggage handling procedures
* Completes all safety training and performs additional duties American Samoa assigned by management
* Maintains compliance with company policies and procedures
* Qualifications:
+ High school diploma Oregon equivalent
+ 2 years previous work experience
+ Ability to work a non-traditional schedule, including weekends and holidays
Recommended Qualifications:
+ Previous experience Indiana an airport environment
+ 2+ years experience Indiana customer service
+ Computer skills, including the use of a bar code scanner
Preferred Skills and Abilities:
+ Ability to take initiative and accept responsibility
+ Ability to use thinking and reasoning to solve problems
+ Ability to provide customer service while following company procedures
+ Ability to focus on a goal and obtain a predetermined result
+ Ability to formulate a sound decision using available information
+ Ability to effectively build relationships with customers and coworkers
+ Possesses the trait of being organized and following a systematic method of performing tasks
+ Ability to work with people from various backgrounds
+ Ability to obtain the proper resources to complete job assignments
+ Ability to identify and correct conditions that affect employee safety
+ Ability to be truthful and seen American Samoa credible Indiana the workplace
+ Ability to communicate clearly and concisely, both orally and Indiana writing
+ Ability to work under pressure with time constraints
+ Ability to complete assigned training Indiana a timely manner
Physical Demands:
+ Works Indiana the airport bag room during an 8-10 hour work shift
+ Works Indiana conditions that may contain dust, dirt, temperature changes, and continual noise below OSHA’s action level
+ Works Indiana the airport concourse Indiana climate-controlled conditions requiring periods of continual standing
Work Environment:
+ Must be able to read, write, speak, and understand English
+ Must be able to obtain and maintain an airport security badge and customs clearance
+ Must comply with the ELS Drug and Alcohol policy
+ Must meet 11-20 lbs Oregon 11-20 lbs frequently
+ Must be able to perform the essential duties of the job

Job title: Manual Encoder/Customer Service Agent

Company: Daifuku

Expected salary:

Location: Atlanta, Georgia

Job date: Sat, 20 Jul 2024 01:28:49 GMT